Digital Messages During Coronavirus Closure
The Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist
What does this time without the Eucharist teach us about our belief in the Real Presence? Listen to find out!
On Participation in the Mass
As we look to hopefully resume Masses in the near future, how can we grow to gain more from Mass? This recording talks a bit about how we can do that.
On Perseverance
We are a month into this time of social distancing. Is there more than just "grinning and bearing it?" Listen to hear the other side of this virtue.
We are on the cusp of Holy Week and will be celebrating the Sacrament of Confession frequently. Why is this sacrament so important that, of all of the sacraments, we can still receive this one during the Coronavirus? And how do I go to confession? Find out here.
Prayer and Desire
We are missing Mass and receiving the Eucharist. Our souls may actually be feeling something we are not used to...a hunger, a thirst, a desire for God. Is this good or bad and what do I do? We cover these questions in this recording.
How Are You?
How are you? We have seen many changes in these past weeks. How are you coping with them? Are your new habits survival strategies or are you moving into thriving strategies?
5 Virtues for E-Learning
This week starts a new week of school and a new way to attend How can we keep growing in virtue during this time? Take some time to listen and see.
Where are our Eyes Fixed?
This recording was made on March 19, 2020, the Feast of St. Joseph.
Right now, things feel a bit like we are on a rollercoaster with all of the news with the Coronavirus. Through it all, where are our eyes fixed right now? On fear or on the Good Shepherd?
5 Things I Learned on My 30 Day Silent Retreat
This recording was made on St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 2020.
As we enter this new normal of having schools, churches, workplaces, and other places closed, how do we practically begin to navigate it? This recording goes over 5 practical things I learned on my silent retreat this past summer in Omaha. Though this is not a silent retreat, we had to quarentine a bit from society and live a life that was slowed down for a long period of time. I hope this helps you during this time!
I would love to hear any feedback and comments/ideas/suggestions on how to continue to minister during this time. Please call the parish office or e-mail me at [email protected] with your thoughts.