Men's Club
Saint Raphael's Men's Club promotes fellowship within the parish. The men meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., in the School Cafeteria. A short meeting is followed by dinner each month.
The Men's Club generously supports the school and parish in MANY ways, here are just a few:
- Financially supports all of the athletic programs at SRA for students. (fees, insurance, uniforms, tournaments)
- Financially supports students by yearly donations to our Tuition Assistance program.
- Financially supports maintenance at the school and parish.
- Financially supports students going to National History Day in Maryland.
- Financially supports the 8th grade on their ProLife trip to DC each year.
- Financially supports the Boy Scout program at SRA and individual Eagle Scout projects.
- Financially supports Fund-a-Need each year at the Black & Gold Auction.
- Financially supports Field Day each year at SRA and BBQ's lunch for the students.
- Financially supports special projects for the Parish.
For more information, contact the parish office at 314-352-8100 or [email protected]; or Brian Vollmer at 314-229-4467 or email: [email protected]